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Terms of Use

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This AGREEMENT is for materials whose intellectual and physical property rights reside with the University of Kentucky (UK) through creation, purchase, gift/donation, or has been assigned to the University of Kentucky for the purpose of research or publication.

Use of materials is expressly limited as described in this user agreement. As a condition of UK providing recorded interview(s) THROUGH THIS ONLINE PATRON ACCOUNT OR OTHER DELIVERY METHOD, and/or subsequent transcript(s) of such, you agree to strictly abide by the following:
Copyright to the recorded interview(s) and/or subsequent transcript(s) of such remains with the University of Kentucky and when use is permitted appropriate copyright credit must be given to UK:

© University of Kentucky, all rights reserved, (Project Name), Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries.

WHEN permission is granted, it is for one time use only and any subsequent use, including reproduction of recorded interview(s) and/or subsequent transcript(s) of such will require an additional user agreement.

While the University of Kentucky asserts ownership of the items, your use of the recorded interview(s) and/or subsequent transcript(s) of such is strictly at your own risk. The user agrees to hold harmless UK, their officers, directors, employees and affiliated entities, any and all of them, against and from any liability, loss, cost, or expense whatsoever, including attorney's fees, arising out of or relating to use of the recorded interview(s) and/or subsequent transcript(s) of such. UK is solely responsible for making the recorded interview(s) and/or subsequent transcript(s) of such available to you pursuant to this user agreement.

User agrees that any violation of this user agreement will cause irreparable harm to UK, agrees that injunctive relief (a court order directing that you cease activity) is an appropriate remedy and consents to such relief. Injunctive relief will be in addition to any and all remedies that may be available.

I understand that I must provide the University of Kentucky Libraries two (2) copies of any published work (includes books, journals, pamphlets, flyers, buttons, labels, video productions, etc.) free of charge. Ship to the address below:

Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History
Special Collections
University of Kentucky Libraries
Margaret I. King Building
Lexington, KY 40506-0039


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We need a few more details in order to process your request.  Please let us know how you intend to use the requested interviews.  Once you provide these details, you will be prompted to "submit" your request.  To finalize your request, you will need to sign in to  your account.  If you do not have an account, you will be prompted to set up a new account. Once you set up your account, you will be able to track your request. 

This is the final stage of the request process.